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Religious Education/CCD Program

We are very proud of our Religious Education Program. Our program provides for an organized, structured environment in which the teaching and tradition of our Catholic faith can be passed on from generation to generation. From kindergarten through high school in which we also prepare the second graders for First Penence, and to receive First Holy Communion, and for high school students, the Sacrament of Confirmation. Our parish program offers many opportunities for our youth to grow in their knowledge, understanding, and the practice of our Christian faith. Click below to register for Religous Education or to see more information on the Confirmation Program.

An exact schedule of meeting days and vacation days is distributed early each year and also available in the program schedule page in this web site. In addition to the child’s involvement in a once-weekly catechetical program, it is important that religious education is supplemented by a strong family Christian life that is marked by weekly mass attendance, faith sharing, prayer, sacrifice, and participation in the sacramental life of the Church. 

We encourage you to work with your children on their Religious Education lessons. Let’s all work together to help our youth learn more about our wonderful Catholic faith that has been handed down to us from Jesus.


All children who are not attending catholic school from Kindergarten to tenth grade are encouraged to register for this program. Registration forms are available in the rectory, online on this website, and at all the entrances of the church.

As we prepare for the religious education program for this year, it is important that we communicate to you the following information:

  • Any child registering for the first time for religious education program MUST present at the time of registration their child’s Baptismal Certificate.

  • Children must have attended a full year of religious education program prior to entering into a Sacramental Program (First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation)

  • The registration fee for the religious education program will be $25.00 per child or $50.00 per family for two or more children. (If you are unable to pay the fee your child/children will still be accepted into the program.  Please contact the Rectory for information.).

  • A copy of sacrament certificate is needed for any sacraments not received at any of our parishes.

  • Please make checks payable to the parish. This fee will enable each child to keep their Youth Faith Formation textbooks in Grades K thru 10 and assist in defraying some of the administrative costs of the program for the parish.


It is important for students to attend all classes. It is the parent’s obligation to bring their child(ren) to the religious education program on Sunday and to teach that week’s lesson prior to the next scheduled class. Cancellation of scheduled class due to inclement weather will be available in the “Announcements” on this website.


Sacramental Preparation:

  • First Penance is part of our second grade curriculum. Students receive this sacrament two times before they receive first Holy Communion.

  • First Holy Communion is part of our second grade curriculum, which includes a mandatory meeting with all parents. Children will be receiving first Holy Communion in May.

  • Confirmation consists of a two year preparation program.  Confirmation will be administered at the end of the second year, usually the Friday before Pentecost.

This program is for the children who are above seven years old and never went to a catholic school or did not attend any religious education program previously.

Saint Joseph Church

99 Jackson St, Willimantic, CT 06226

Saint Mary Church

46 Valley St, Willimantic, CT 06226

Parish Center:

80 Maple Ave., Willimantic, CT 06226 

Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

 61 Club Rd, Windham, CT 06280​

Parish Office:  860-423-8439

Business Office 860-423-5835

© 2023

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