Eucharistic Ministers
The Most Holy Eucharist is the most august sacrament, in which Christ the Lord Himself is contained, offered and received, and by which the Church constantly lives and grows.
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers serve the gathered Christian assembly by assisting with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ, so that all may be strengthened and nourished to carry on the work of Jesus in the world.
To become a Eucharistic Minister, please contact a parish office.
Parish Office: 860-423-8439
Pope Paul VI described Eucharistic ministers thus:
The faithful who are special ministers of communion must be persons whose good qualities of Christian life, faith and morals recommend them. Let them strive to be worthy of this great office, foster their own devotion to the Eucharist, and show an example to the rest of the faithful by their own devotion and reverence toward the most august sacrament of the altar. Immensae caritatis, 1973.
Eucharistic Ministers assist in the distribution of Communion at parish liturgies. They also bring communion to the sick, homebound, and hospitalized.
Special Ministers of the Eucharist should in every way demonstrate by their reverence for the Eucharist that they truly believe that this is not just bread and wine, but the very Body and Blood of the Risen Lord. Their manner of dress, their respectful silence, their grace-filled movement, and their care with the Sacred Species are observed by all the people and by the Lord. One should not accept this kind of responsibility unless he or she is willing to carry it out with deep faith and a deep and awesome sense of God’s presence.